Course Tag: Online Learning

5 Article Package – General Psychology 2

Course ID: 46390

Please scroll to the bottom of the page to access the course content under the “Course Content” heading (below the overview and reading list). Course content only accessible after registration and payment is received.

This 5 Article Package consists of 5 peer-reviewed articles with 5 x multiple-choice questionnaires.

  1. Paterson, A., Elliott, M.A., Brown, L.A. and Rasmussen, S. (2023). Evidence that implementation intentions reduce self‐harm in the community. British Journal of Health Psychology, 28(4), pp.1241–1260. doi:


  1. Cañas, J.J. (2022). AI and Ethics When Human Beings Collaborate With AI Agents. Frontiers in Psychology, 13. doi:


  1. Francis, G.A. and Gibson, J.L. (2023). A plausible role of imagination in pretend play, counterfactual reasoning, and executive functions. British Journal of Psychology. doi:


  1. Kersten, R. and Greitemeyer, T. (2024). Human aggression in everyday life: An empirical test of the general aggression model. British Journal of Social Psychology. doi:


  1. Daniilidou, A. (2023). Understanding the relationship between the multidimensional perfectionism and self-compassion in adults: The effect of age. Europe’s Journal of Psychology, 19(4), pp.371–386. doi:

Please Note: If you require a certificate of completion for this course, please contact with all relevant information: name, surname, course title, and HPCSA number.

5 Article Package – General Psychology 1

Course ID: 46129

Please scroll to the bottom of the page to access the course content under the “Course Content” heading (below the overview and reading list). Course content only accessible after registration and payment is received.

This 5 Article Package consists of 5 peer-reviewed articles with 5 x multiple-choice questionnaires.

  1. Dempsey, C., Devine, R., Fink, E. and Hughes, C. (2023). Developmental links between well‐being, self‐concept and prosocial behaviour in early primary school. British Journal of Educational Psychology. doi:


  1. Diongini, A., Duradoni, M. & Vagnoli, L. (2023). Understanding the Association Between Humour and Emotional Distress: The Role of Light and Dark Humour in Predicting Depression, Anxiety, and Stress. Europe’s Journal of Psychology, 2023, Vol. 19(3), 358–370,


  1. Lindsey, J., Doyle, M. and Katarzyna Wazynska-Finck (2023). Navigating conflict:  The role of mediation in healthcare disputes.  Clinical Ethics, 19(1). doi:


  1. Bleidorn, W., Hopwood, C.J., Back, M.D., Denissen, J.J.A., Hennecke, M., Hill, P.L., Jokela, M., Kandler, C., Lucas, R.E., Luhmann, M., Orth, U., Roberts, B.W., Wagner, J., Wrzus, C. and Zimmermann, J. (2021). Personality trait stability and change. Personality Science, 2(1). doi:


  1. Heriot‐Maitland, C., Gumley, A., Wykes, T., Longden, E., Irons, C., Gilbert, P. and Peters, E. (2023). A case series study of compassion‐focused therapy for distressing experiences in psychosis. British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 62(4), pp.762–781. doi:

Please Note: If you require a certificate of completion for this course, please contact with all relevant information: name, surname, course title, and HPCSA number.

Free Article: Internet Addiction and Psychological Distress

Please scroll to the bottom of the page to access the course content under the “Course Content” heading (below the overview and reading list). Course content only accessible after registration and payment is received.

This is a peer-reviewed article with a multiple-choice questionnaire.

  1. Bottaro, R., Valenti, G.D. & Faraci, P. Internet Addiction and Psychological Distress: Can Social Networking Site Addiction Affect Body Uneasiness Across Gender? A Mediation Model. Europe’s Journal of Psychology, 2024, Vol. 20(1), 41–62,

Please Note: If you require a certificate of completion for this course, please contact with all relevant information: name, surname, course title, and HPCSA number.

5 Article Package – Industrial Psychology 1

Course ID: 47255

Please scroll to the bottom of the page to access the course content under the “Course Content” heading (below the overview and reading list). Course content only accessible after registration and payment is received.

This 5 Article Package consists of 5 peer-reviewed articles with 5 x multiple-choice questionnaires.

  1. Bruny, J.-F., Vallée, B., Bernardi, F., Rioux, L. and Scrima, F. (2023). Workplace attachment style as moderator of the relationship between political skills and organizational citizenship behaviors. Europe’s Journal of Psychology, 19(2), pp.158–173. doi:


  1. Yuan, Y., Humphrey, S.E. and van Knippenberg, D. (2022). From individual creativity to team creativity: A meta‐analytic test of task moderators. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology. doi:



  1. Van Waeyenber, T. (2023). Why Do Employees Attend Work Sick? The Assessment and Relevance of Opposite Presenteeism Motivations. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology. DOI: 10.1111/joop.12481


  1. Bertoncini ALC and Serafim MC (2023) Ethical content in artificial intelligence systems: A demand explained in three critical points. Frontiers in Psychology. 14:1074787. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1074787.


  1. Hamel, J.-F., Scrima, F., Massot, L. and Benoît Montalan (2023). Organizational culture, justice, dehumanization and affective commitment in French employees: A serial mediation model. Europe’s Journal of Psychology, 19(3), pp.285–298. doi:

Please Note: If you require a certificate of completion for this course, please contact with all relevant information: name, surname, course title, and HPCSA number.

5 Article Package – Industrial Psychology 2

Course ID: 47257

Please scroll to the bottom of the page to access the course content under the “Course Content” heading (below the overview and reading list). Course content only accessible after registration and payment is received.

This 5 Article Package consists of 5 peer-reviewed articles with 5 x multiple-choice questionnaires.

  1. Steyn, L. and Barnard, A. (2024). The coaching experience as identity work: Reflective metaphors. SA journal of industrial psychology, 50. doi:


  1. Yueh, H.-P., Huang, C.-Y. and Lin, W. (2022). Examining the differences between information professional groups in perceiving information ethics: An analytic hierarchy process study. Frontiers in Psychology, [online] 13. doi:


  1. Uhlig, L, Baumgartner, V., Prem, R., Siestrup, K., Korunka, C. and Kubicek, B. (2023). A field experiment on the effects of weekly planning behaviour on work engagement, unfinished tasks, rumination, and cognitive flexibility. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology. 2023;96:575–598.. DOI: 10.1111/joop.12430.


  1. Mabitsela, T., Geldenhuys,M., & Łaba, K. (2024). BBBEE fairness perceptions and job performance: The role of leadership styles and psychological availability. SA Journal of Industrial Psychology/SA Tydskrif vir Bedryfsielkunde, 50(0), a2116. 10.4102/sajip.v50i0.2116.


  1. Rubbi Nunan, J.L., Ebrahim, A.B., & Stander, M.W. (2023). Mentoring in the workplace: Exploring the experiences of mentor–mentee relations. SA Journal of Industrial Psychology/SA Tydskrif vir Bedryfsielkunde, 49(0), a2067. 10.4102/sajip.v49i0.2067.

Please Note: If you require a certificate of completion for this course, please contact with all relevant information: name, surname, course title, and HPCSA number.

Professional Development Course on Burnout for Professionals

Course ID: 45947


Burnout is an occupational phenomenon with its own ICD-10 code and is increasingly prevalent worldwide, particularly among individuals in compassionate professions. The healthcare sector, in particular, has witnessed a surge in burnout cases, exacerbated by the recent Covid-19 pandemic. Recognizing the insidious nature of burnout, wherein symptoms often go unnoticed until significant damage has occurred, this course addresses the imperative for healthcare professionals to understand and mitigate burnout risks. Emphasizing the ethical implications of practicing while experiencing burnout, it provides comprehensive insights into its various dimensions.


  1. Acquire a profound understanding of burnout and its profound impact on personal well-being and professional efficacy.
  2. Identify the root causes and potential consequences of burnout, discerning individual triggers within one’s own context.
  3. Enhance proficiency in recognizing early warning signs and implementing preventive strategies to mitigate burnout risk.
  4. Comprehend the ethical dilemmas inherent in delivering care while experiencing burnout and explore strategies for ethical practice.
  5. Develop practical skills to recognize and address burnout symptoms effectively, preventing their escalation.


  1. Definitions and Characteristics of Burnout: Delve into the nuanced understanding of burnout, including its clinical definition and key traits within healthcare contexts.
  2. Causes and Consequences of Burnout: Explore the multifaceted factors contributing to burnout onset, alongside the far-reaching repercussions on individual well-being and professional performance.
  3. The Transition from Stress to Burnout: Investigate the intricate pathway through which chronic stress evolves into burnout, discerning the pivotal stages and contributing factors.
  4. Detection of Burnout: Equip healthcare practitioners with the skills to recognize subtle manifestations of burnout, fostering early identification and intervention strategies.
  5. Contributors to Burnout Development: Examine the diverse array of internal and external factors fuelling the progression of burnout, encompassing organizational, interpersonal, and societal influences.
  6. Prevention Strategies for Burnout: Implement proactive measures to mitigate burnout risk, emphasizing the cultivation of resilience, self-care practices, and supportive work environments.
  7. Navigating Burnout: Address the practical realities and psychological challenges encountered when experiencing burnout, offering guidance on coping mechanisms and seeking professional support.
  8. Ethical Considerations in Burnout Management: Engage in the ethical discourse surrounding the responsibilities of healthcare professionals amidst burnout, emphasizing patient safety, professional integrity, and self-disclosure protocols.


Please Note: If you require a certificate of completion for this course, please contact with all relevant information: name, surname, course title, and HPCSA number.